AMNESE – Songs For Rainy Days + “Ok, My Pussy…” (2009)
August 7, 2009

AMNESE – Songs For Rainy Days + “Ok, My Pussy…” (2009)

Songs for Rainy Days + “Ok, my pussy is hanging out of this fucking thing”
Genre: Experimental
sw0057 – 2009 – sinewave

Download (167MB)

01. Touch Me [The Winter]
02. Lost Tears Flow [The Book]
03. You Went Away [The Last Picture]
04. Remember the Boys [The Funeral]
05. Void [The Darkness]
06. The Emptiness of a World [The Low Spirit]
07. Let You Down [The Farewell]
08. River of my Pain [The Rejection]
09. Welcome Sun [The Final Rain]
10. Friends? [The Angst Song]
11. Places [The Love Song]

01. …Baby One More Time
02. Womanizer
03. Toxic
04. Womanizer [Pop]
05. Womanizer [Drone]


Gravado no Apt.136 em Campinas ao longo de 2003 quando o membro-único da Amnese tinha 17 anos, e lançado oficialmente em 2004 de forma independente, Songs for Rainy Days é o álbum de estreia da Amnese. Trata-se de uma coleção de canções compostas entre os anos de 1999 e 2003 com a intenção de serem usadas na banda em que Nelson Barreto tocava nesse período.

Este álbum, com sonoridade completamente diferente dos álbuns posteriores de Amnese, marca a criação dos membros fictícios da banda, desmentidos posteriormente (porém mantidos nos crétidos) e mostra o embrião do que viria a ser a Amnese agora, 5 anos depois. Com influências muito distintas das atuais, Songs termina por ser um ítem ímpar na discografia da Amnese.

Songs é acompanhado pelo EP bônus “Ok, my pussy is hanging out of this fucking thing”, um disco de versões para canções de Britney Spears gravado no início de 2009 na cidade de Goiânia.

Recorded in the Apt.136 in Campinas, Brazil, during the year of 2003 while the only member of this one-man band was 17 years old, and first released in 2004, Songs for Rainy Days is Amnese‘s debut album. It’s a collection of songs composed between 1999 and 2003 with the intention to be used in the band Nelson Barreto was playing during this time.

This album, which sounds completely different from the other Amnese’s records, shows the moment when five fake-members were created in the band, which are still credited in the album, and portraits the beginning stages of Amnese. With distinct influences from nowadays, Songs is unique piece in Amnese’s discography.

Songs is accompanied with the bonus EP “Ok, my pussy is hanging out of this fucking thing”, a cover record of Britney Spears songs, recorded in the beginning of 2009 in the city of Goiânia, Brazil.

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